Saturday, February 23, 2013

I thought I had summer blues, turns out I don't

I have had a weird suspended-in-time sort of feeling of late. I wasn't particularly enjoying it. I think it's because I have lots of little projects I wanted to get my teeth into but for whatever reason they were put on hold.

I did make a series of flower crowns [which may or may not be my favourite thing to make {they definitely are my favourite}] for a shoot.

I heard an interview this afternoon on fbi radio with a brassy blues band called Tuba Skinny from New Orleans. They played a few live tracks. So great. They nail that perfect laid back sauntering jazzy ragtime sound that I adore. Especially good to listen to whilst it's raining outside and you find yourself baking or arranging flowers or both.

Most of these blooms came from my garden. I am kinda proud.

this reminds me of easter for some reason


  1. I know that feeling well. Love the succulent in that arrangement, great colour.

  2. Thanks, lovely one. I'm tremendously fond of succulents.
    I hope you are having a great weekend xo
